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Unusual Antique Cloisonné Snuff Bottle Persian Peacock Motif

claytonantiques311100.0% positive rating
Asian Antiques
Snuff Bottles
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18th Century Apple Green & Gray Jade SNUFF BOTTLE, Spade Shaped


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Antique Chinese Qing Molded Porcelain Bottle Dancers Signed


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Wonderful Antique Snuff Bottle


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Cool Birds🦚Snuff Bottle 2 Qing Dynasty-Republic 19th to 20th - MAKE OFFER NOW!


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Chinese Lapis Lazuli Snuff Bottle.Quality Stone. Symmetrical. Study Raised Base.


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Chinese Pek. Green Glass Snuff Bottle W/Smiling Boy Hugging The Bottle 3" Tall


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100% Ancient China, exquisite jade, pure hand carving, Hetian jade, snuff bottle



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Chinese Handmade Carved Natural Tiger Stone Snuff Bottle


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Chinese Blue, White & Red Porcelain Snuff Bottle with Warriors in Battle Design


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Unusual Antique Cloisonné Snuff Bottle Persian Peacock Motif


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Chinese Cinnabar Carved Snuff Bottle With Lid


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Antique Pre-1910 Asian Birds Decorated Snuff Jar with lid, sniffer Green Floral


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old tibetan silver hand carved hollow out fish lotus statue snuff bottle pendant


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Vtg Enamel Chinese Cloisonne Snuff Bottle With Stylized Flower Design


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chinese reverse painted glass snuff bottle


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Vintage Chinese 19th Century Reverse Hand Painted Birds Snuff Bottle Jade Lid



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Snuff Bottle & Lid Reverse Painted Glass Chinese Koi Fish 3.5" Tall Vintage


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antique chinese snuff bottle collection Inlaid Painted noctilucent



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